C++ programming tutorials and textfiles files

C_START.ZIP How to begin programming in c/c++
CODEBUG3.ZIP codebug3.c - Demonstrates Visual C++ 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 code generation bug
CPP.ZIP C++?? A Critique of C++ 2nd Edition The C++ programming language is becoming widely used. So it is important and timely to question its success.
CPPSL.ZIP Working Paper for Draft Proposed International Standard for Information Systems Programming Language C++
CPPTOUR.ZIP C++ tutorial
CPPTUT22.ZIP C++ tutorial
CPPTUTOR.ZIP Turbo C++ Tutorial
IOSTUTOR.ZIP Tutorial in iostreams
MOO-OB_1.ZIP C++ tutorial

C++ Utilities

CPC.ZIP CodePrint for C/C++ Version 2.02 Jan 1996 Full-featured command-line driven source code reformatter and pretty printer for the C and C++ programming languages. Over 20 customiza- tion features including auto-indent, adjust- able tab spacing, indent styles, flow lines, comment alignment, and line editing for con- sistent white space. For IBM PCs, 640K, hard drive and DOS 3.1 or later, Shareware from Geist Microsystems. License fee: $25/$49.
CPPDOC.ZIP C++ Documenter The program allows the user to input and store C++ class information and use it to generate a description of each class. This description is in the form of an HTML file, readable by a web browser or other application that can translate HTML code. The HTML files can be stored in any place that the browser can access them: on an Internet or Intranet server, a network server, or a local workstation.
DLLPR251.ZIP DLLPower version 2.51 [shareware] This powerfull utility adds 32-bit DLL support to any program you write using Watcom C/C++32 10.0 or better.
ENDERAOB.ZIP Ender AddOn for Borland C++ 5.0 Version 1.1 For Windows 95 and NT 3.51 Many features : dynamic editor menu with function and methods, keyword completion, project delivery, autosave, top screen bar, an many functions to complete Borland C++ IDE. NEED Borland C++ 5.0 patch 1 and 2 Shareware COMPLETE version.
LD27.ZIP LD 2.7 linker for DJGPP 2.01 The LD 2.7 linker that comes with DJGPP 2.01 has support for older style object files (A.OUT) format removed so it will not link with the MGL libraries. Included is a version of the LD 2.7 linker that has been modified to include support for the A.OUT style object files. It will take longer to link your code, but at least it will work.
MRCLEAN.ZIP Mr.Clean v. 1.00 Mr.Clean is a utility that deletes selected files from your BC++ project directories. You can configure Mr.Clean to delete files of certain types such as .obj, .csm, .bak, etc. The most commonly used file types are provided in the configuration dialog box.
PIESHELL.ZIP Pie Shell generates skeleton header & CPP files for new classes, which you can then 'pour your batter into'.
SCANDEP.ZIP SCANDEP 1.00 SCANDEP is a C/C++ programmer's utility to generate dependency lists for one or more source files. Dependencies are displayed in either a hierarchical format or formats suitable for makefiles. SCANDEP was developed with and for the Microsoft compiler (MSVC), but I know of no reason why it wouldn't work with source for any standard C/C++ compiler.
SQCBW.ZIP SQCBW V2.31 C/C++ Source Code Beautifier for MS-Windows Indents source code lines according to the structure of the C/C++ program

C++ Mathematics programming files

ARITH.ZIP This program will let the operator select routines to convert an octal number to decimal, a decimal number to octal, convert a hex to decimal, decimal to hex, find the square root of a number, convert keyboard characters to decimal and octal values, or add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers. C++ Src.
BUMP.ZIP BUMP 1.1 A Beginner's Understandable Matrix Package in Borland C++
CPLUSPLS.ZIP C++ version of sieve
DANMATRX.ZIP Dan's Matrix Explorer A simple tool for Microsoft Windows to explore transformation matrices andhow they really affect the points you're playing with. With C++ source
DATECLS.ZIP Killer Date Class v4.7; (C++) Full-function date class, including a full set of overloaded operators for addition, subtraction and comparison of date objects; an overloaded operator with a variety of print formats and options, and constructors to create date objects from a variety of source formats.
DATEFUN.ZIP C++ date/date-time functions that makes calculations with dates and datetime values quite easy.
ENVMAP2.ZIP Fixedpoint multiply and divide functions Watcom C/C++ 10.0 callable
FASTINT.ZIP integer trig functions in C++
LONGFI.ZIP LONG_FIXED is a C++ Class for 64 bit fixed-point arithmetic. It allows a programmer the ability to write programs for Real numbers without a math coprocessor at math coprocessor speeds.
MATOPCPP.ZIP Matrixpackage in C++
MATRIX.ZIP C++ source for a matrix package

C++ sourcecode files

AZA.ZIP AZA File Reversal Program v1.0 with C++ src
BBS4C10.ZIP BBS KIT FOR C/C++ May 96, Ver 1.0, >ASP< . MSDOS based multi threaded state driven BBS program handles up to 16 callers at once, without the need for a multitasker. With source code. Supports Watcom C/C++, Turbo C/C++, Borland C/C++, MIX Power C, and Microsoft C/C++. By MarshallSoft Computing, Inc. $95.
BFILE.ZIP Btrieve class for Borland C++
BOOTRCD.ZIP Boot record utility routines , C++ source
BTREE.ZIP Balanced Binary Tree (c++) These files provide several templates for managing balanced binary trees of objects. The templates attempt to give a BIDS container class style interface so allow them to replace any BIDS container class with minimal changes. (I was able to change a TISetAsVector to a TIBPlusTree by only changing the template names!)
CDX.ZIP freeware source code kit for a CD Audio utility for DOS. It uses low-level MSCDEX functions to do its job. I've been interested in writing a soup-to-nuts CD Audio Windows app for a while and find the Multimedia functions in Windows to be somwhat slow. C++ src.
CHKDATE.ZIP Chkdate Is a function for C++ programmers that validates unformatted date strings. This function will also recognize leap years.
CL181.ZIP Container Lite (CL v 1.81) C++ portable, persistent, hybrid container class library, typically 80% smaller than other commerical or compiler bundled container class libraries. Supports templates and "form templates" for non template compilers. Shareware version includes docs, source, and examples.
CMDL.ZIP C++ Library for Easy Command-Line Parsing (with source)
DT200.ZIP DTime is a collection of classes & functions designed to ease the MFC programmers burden when handling date and time values. If like me, having taken a look at the built in MFC classes CTime and CTimeSpan or the new COleDateTime and COleDateTimeSpan you decided they did not meet your requirements and you wanted to write your own super-duper date and time classes, but deadlines were looming, then look no further. Included in this distribution is DTime v2.0 which is for 32 bit Windows only and requires MFC 4.x to use.
EARTHQUA.ZIP Earthquake Simulator Version 1.0 AN earthquake simulator with FULL C/C++ source code. FREEWARE with some conditions. For information see the file DOC/READ.ME Earthquake Simulator is a fractal earthquake simulator written in C++.
EBKSRC.ZIP EB Source Code for Borland C++ Thank you for taking the time to down load the source code of EB, the Electronic Book. The Electronic Book was coded to demonstrate the various uses of FlexList.
FCOPY.ZIP File copy function in C++
FI.ZIP This is a pair of C++ classes used to find files in a directory or Subdirectory tree. The first class, FileIterator, iterates through ALL files in a directory, with the option of searching through any subdirectories. For each file found, the class user can determine the full path name of the file and/or its size.
FORTUNE.ZIP Fortune cookie program for dos or windows with C++ source
GCLASS.ZIP A c++ regular expression class
HUGEAR.ZIP This is an implementation of huge arrays and huge vectors using templates and The Borland container class library
ISC366.ZIP ISC v3.66; Interrupt Service Class Hooking interrupts into C++ objects made easy
L_LIST1.ZIP Linked lists package in C++
LDB.ZIP the loose data binder (ldb). The ldb is a generic persistent container class that is less filling (smaller code sizes and faster execution) and less stuffy (no towering convoluted hierarchies) than other conventional container class libraries found packaged with c++ compilers and application framework tools.
LINKLIST.ZIP Linked-List Library Functions (c++) The Linked-List library was created so as to give pleasure to programmers worldwide as they play with it till their heart's content. The lack of linked-list functions in C is quite astonishing, everybody needs and loves linked-lists so why didn't they add them? (answers on a postcard please...)
LL_COMM1.ZIP LL_COMM (R) Lord Logic's Comm Code v1.2 32-bit serial port code for use with Watcom C/C++ All hardware I/O written in assembly. Full source (C/ASM) included. Please test it and let me know how it works.
M4KIT17.ZIP METAKIT v1.7 - C++ classes for persistent structured data. Features: on-demand loading, commit/rollback, serialized I/O, simple API in a few C++ classes. With HTML introduction, class reference, sample docs. No royalties. Src examples: disk/ftp cats, Winsock cli/srv. full Win16/Win32 DLLs/LIBs included for MFC. Developer: $25, Win-src: $90, Univ-src: $165 Web home page - http://www.meta4.com/metakit/ In 1.7: memory mapped files, STL, optimized
M4KIT17B.ZIP METAKIT v1.7 Windows Borland 4.52 add-on
M4KIT17J.ZIP METAKIT v1.7 MS-DOS DJ Delorie C++ 2.0.1 add-on
MCLBK100.ZIP This is a class which allows your C++ Windows applications to use member functions as callback functions.
MENUPLUS.ZIP MenuPlus 1.01, Menu Class for Turbo C++ for DOS The library contains functions that allow the programmer to easily implement custom popup, pulldown, and buttonbar menus.
MODEM2.ZIP This program is the simplest of simple serial communications apps. Written under TC++ 3.0/win and should work under any Borland windows compiler in windows 3.1.
MTL100JE.ZIP C++ Class DOSThread A base class for multithreaded DOS programs. Provides a framework for writing DOS applications which consist of multiple (pseudo-)parallel "threads" of execution. DOS was not designed as a multithreading operating system (in fact, it actively hinders multithreading by being non-reentrant) but this class allows you to create multithreaded DOS applications without worrying about such problems (although you should read section 11 for some important caveats concerning direct calls to the BIOS).
PCLIST.ZIP C++ class for a doubly linked list This class provides you with a generic C++ class for a doubly linked list.
SCTV200G.ZIP TScrollableTreeView v2.00 for C++ Builder This package may be used under C++ Builder, includes sources (unit in Delphi Pascal, example in C++) and has no restriction. It may be installed under C++ Builder with .HPP and .OBJ files. It includes one very simple example, but no User Manuals. It only add one property to standard TTreeView : AutoScroll.
SMRTGREP.ZIP SmartGrep AddOn for Borland C++ 5.0 (version 1.0.2) This AddOn is another grep-like file parser. However, unlike all others 'greps' it is specifically designed for Borland C++ 5.0. Features : - Add a SmartGrep tool in the Tool menu. - Internal grep engine (no call to grep.exe). - Asynchronous grep. - Grep on project nodes. - Recursive grep on directories AND project nodes. - Most Recently use list for Text, File Mask and Directories. - All the classic options (case sensitive, regular expression, whole word only).
STRPP.ZIP String++ Version 3.1 Is a string class written for Borland/Turbo C++. It contains a variety of string processing functions such as Insert, Delete, Replace, Find, Justify, and Trim, as well as overloaded operators for assignment, concatenation, and comparison. For AWK programmers, there are standard AWK functions such as sub, substr, index, and split, as well as support for regular expressions in many functions.
TECH10.ZIP Techniques Class Library v1.0: The Techniques Class Library is high performance C++ class library for neatly implementing various data structures in C++. It uses the C++ template facility to provide type-safe generic data structures such a arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, hash tables etc. This library is used by all SciTech Software's C++ products as the low level data structure class library.
TFARRY.ZIP Transfer arrays A c++ replacement for owl 2.0 Transfer buffers One of the most common problems encountered by novice and experienced users alike is with the use of transfer buffers. Although in theory transfer buffers simplify the coding interface, in practice they can be a nightmare to set up and maintain, as even a 1-byte alignment problem within the buffer is usually enough to crash an application.
TJHGARRY.ZIP TJHugeArray This is a simple sparse array templateclass. The array can be indexed by any unsigned long value. The implementation given is limited in scope but can easily be enhanced ( exceptions, etc. ) C++ src
TJSTRING.ZIP TJSTRING CLASS: TJString is a general purpose string class that encapsulates many of the behaviours of traditional C strings. This document provides the API for the class as well as some technical notes about usage. C++ src
TSK1.ZIP A C++ Pre-emptive Multitasking Kernel with src
XSEARCHC.ZIP Extended Search version 2.0 for C++Builder. Fundamentals are pretty much like GREP. You specify a search string, a file or group of files, and some options and it returns a list of the occurences of the search string in those files. The two distinguishing features of this version of Extended Search are File Aliases and the Search Results list.
YACL11.ZIP YACL (Yet Another C++ Class Library) It is a general-purpose programming library designed with the idea of identifying and implementing useful object abstractions that frequently occur in application development, so that development effort can be cut down significantly. The abstractions are designed to be application-domain-specific rather than platform-specific. This makes it possible for YACL to be ported to multiple platforms with little effort, and any application that is coded to use YACL's classes will be runnable on any of the supported platforms with merely a recompilation. YACL is part of an ongoing project to create a completely portable program development environment.
ZTIMER23.ZIP ZEN TIMER v2.3: The Zen Timer is a high precision (microsecond accuracy) timing library for 16 bit real mode, 16 bit protected mode and 32 bit protected mode programs. Supports Borland C++, Watcom C++, Visual C++, Symantec C++, Metaware C++ and DJGPP.